Theater in the Round in Minneapolis did a play called Silent Sky last year that was about the women of the Harvard Conservatory. It was a fabulous show which I went to twice, once with my wife, and once with my daughter as she was doing a science project on the Hubbell telescope. Going to have to look up the book you mention.
My TBR pile grows! Thanks for putting this list together here. What is the original context of the header image? Do you know? It is amazing. I'm really looking forward to reading 18 Tiny Deaths, among others here.
Women Scientists In America -1982 by Margaret Rossiter--The First book exploring "other" women scientist besides Curie. Her journey writing this book deserves its own book
Thanks Olivia. I wondered if you had read much about Roman women doctors and midwives ? I’m writing about this and wondered if you had any further recommendations on this topic. It isn’t something which has been written about much, but we do know they existed.
I immediately requested Brave the Wild River from my Library and have a brief hold. Thank you for the suggestion. When I clicked on this title in your article, I was taken to amazon. Personally, I do mot buy books from amazon. I have cancelled amazon prime in order to decrease my dependency upon amazon. I understand that you are trying to support yourself and other writers but are there other businesses that we can support and still support writers?
My go-to is always But several of these books are currently backordered there. In those cases, I used an Amazon link. I will check in on stock again to see if that changes. I am happy for people to find my book's any way they can, from the library to borrowing from a friend or buying used.
Hit the jackpot yesterday while volunteering at my local library’s used book store. Two for me, one for my granddaughter. 📕🐛
A fantastic resource; thank you!
Theater in the Round in Minneapolis did a play called Silent Sky last year that was about the women of the Harvard Conservatory. It was a fabulous show which I went to twice, once with my wife, and once with my daughter as she was doing a science project on the Hubbell telescope. Going to have to look up the book you mention.
Love these
My TBR pile grows! Thanks for putting this list together here. What is the original context of the header image? Do you know? It is amazing. I'm really looking forward to reading 18 Tiny Deaths, among others here.
Here's the full Wiki entry for the image.
Thanks so much, Olivia!
Thank you! I'm always looking for non-fiction recommendations.
I loved *Hidden Figures* - read it before the movie came out - and am partway through *Sisters In Science* right now.
Awesome list and substack!
Women Scientists In America -1982 by Margaret Rossiter--The First book exploring "other" women scientist besides Curie. Her journey writing this book deserves its own book
Thanks Olivia. I wondered if you had read much about Roman women doctors and midwives ? I’m writing about this and wondered if you had any further recommendations on this topic. It isn’t something which has been written about much, but we do know they existed.
I immediately requested Brave the Wild River from my Library and have a brief hold. Thank you for the suggestion. When I clicked on this title in your article, I was taken to amazon. Personally, I do mot buy books from amazon. I have cancelled amazon prime in order to decrease my dependency upon amazon. I understand that you are trying to support yourself and other writers but are there other businesses that we can support and still support writers?
My go-to is always But several of these books are currently backordered there. In those cases, I used an Amazon link. I will check in on stock again to see if that changes. I am happy for people to find my book's any way they can, from the library to borrowing from a friend or buying used.