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What is the name of this book? Is it your book? :

I don't know of Olivia Campbell will see this Oct 31, 2022. I read a book in 1976-1983 that talked about women healers in western Europe as healers, being accused to be witches and killed. The 3 parts I rememberer were: 1) As anesthesia became new with male doctors, the rich & doctors wanted to get rid of women healers, midwives; 2) Women gathered herbs and nuts for healing in the forests; the sheep herder rich wanted to clear cut the forests and did create large areas of grazing meadows instead of the forests where the women gathered their medicines; and 3) When a husband died, the wife owned the house; the rich wanted these houses; called the widow a witch, had a trial, and killed the woman and took her home, often leaving 1 woman alive in a whole small village...

What is the name of this book? Is it your book? Is it still in print? I thought it was Witches, Midwives, & Nurses (1st Edition): A History of Women Healers by Barbara Ehrenreich and Deirdre English, but I know the book was longer than 48 page pamphlet thanks so much for any help finding this book. Etana in Florida

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